“In Buddhism, peace is not considered to be mere absence of war or conflict. Peace is a state where the cause of disharmony is eradicated.”

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Non-Violence“Three doctrines or concepts of balance of power or defence of nations or acquiring the power necessary to build and defend a nation are all misconceptions and there is no truth in them. Unless the full untruth of these notions is understood the world can never achieve peace or harmony.” (Nations; Non-violence – need to look at what those ‘three doctrines’ are)

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Non-Violence“Inner humanness can only be defended by refusing to indulge in violence on account of violence or fear of violence. That is the only way to defend oneself completely.”

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Non-Violence“Peace cannot be kept by violence or by force; peace must be maintained by peaceful means. The realisation is growing among ordinary people that this principle is an inescapable law of nature.”