Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Reality“The perception of the ultimate truth is the direct opposite of the basic ignorance, the ignorance which perceives and clings to the view that the entire phenomena exist by their own nature or by their own characteristics, without depending on anything.”

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Reality“The [ordinary] thought has no watcher, it lacks a watcher; if you have a watcher, you have an observation to the process of your thoughts and then you will be able to see, listen and be able to touch without interference of the thought. You will be able to reach the object by yourself, without the judgment of or without the enemy of the thought-process.” (Reality) (Spirituality)

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Reality“The process of learning, process for education is to reach to that level of direct contact with reality.” (Education/Training—Buddhist perspective) (Reality)

Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s Quote Reality“All the thought processes are limited, they are conditioned and the thought does not touch directly with the reality, the truth; thoughts only grasps at the image of the truth.” (Reality) (Spirituality)