“Inter-Religious Dialogue on Sanitation”
March 24, 2015 Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche today attended “Inter-Religious Dialogue on Sanitation” at Sanchi, convened by the non-governmental organisation “Spandan” and assisted by UNICEF.
Rinpoche spoke in detail on: The importance of sanitation of body, speech and mind—all three; Buddhist texts and teachings have very extensive instructions on sanitation or hygiene; the need of tidiness and cleanliness in the context of “The Six Preparatory Practices”, within the teachings and practices of Lamrim (Stages of the path to enlightenment); how
beneficial it would be if the religious leaders could guide their respective followers, on hygiene, through setting example by one’s own practice; the need to think on how to clean up the pollution of the five elements in the present age; if one abides by one’s needs, without running after greed, sanitation too could be achieved; especially, the need for pure motivation and pure means.
Those who attended the convention included Mr. Trevor Clark, the Chief of UNICEF Office for Madhya Pradesh, their officials, the local heads of Hindu, Islamic, Christian, Sikh, Jain, and Brahmakumari denominations, and many intellectuals and others.